Philosophy Statement
My philosophy of teaching and learning is assisting the learner in finding their passions and then guiding them in that exploration. This goal is anchored in three basic beliefs. The first is that everybody can learn. Second, that every individual is born with gifts and talents that must be nurtured to help that person fulfill their potential. The third belief is that learning is a lifelong experience of developing and sharing the gifts and talents we have. Applying this philosophy in my teaching, I have been rewarded with looks of wonder and pride on my students’ faces.
Currently I am the District Library Media Specialist for the School District of Marinette in Marinette, Wisconsin. In this capacity I assist staff in incorporating technology with the Common Core State Standards, coach staff, oversee the operation of the 6 District Library Media Centers, provide social media support to the district, and assist students in the LMC. In lessons, students engage in individual and group activities that incorporate technology with the Common Core Curriculum. They perform problem solving, teamwork, collaborate on lessons using critical and creative thinking, peer teaching, and decision-making skills. To accommodate various learning styles, lessons engage problem-solving, hands-on activities, interactive lessons, instant feedback utilizing a classroom response system and interactive whiteboard and various other Web2.0 tools. It is a joy to see their excited, eager responses as they grow with pride in their accomplishments as they become not only effective consumers of information, but also producers of information.
Mission Statement
As a library media specialist it is my mission to prepare students in becoming technology literate, well informed, critical-thinking citizens of the 21st Century, who will be active participants in local and global affairs in the Information Age. This is accomplished by providing students the necessary skills to have the means to access, use and produce information resources constructively. These skills that are critical in this day and age are problem solving, critical thinking, innovation, decision-making, leadership and teamwork.
For a complete and updated resume, please contact me.